travel to the Maldives

When is the best time to travel to the Maldives?

When is the best time to travel to the Maldives? The best time to travel to the Maldives is during its dry season from December to April, offering sunny days and minimal rainfall, ideal for water sports and outdoor activities. However, the Maldives is a year-round destination with each season having its unique attractions, such …


Is it worth visiting Brașov? Best of Romania

Is it worth visiting Brașov? Best of Romania On our journey from Bucharest to Transylvania, we found a hidden jewel nestled in the Carpathians: Brașov. This medieval city, with its cobbled streets and colorful buildings, was a delightful surprise. As a gateway to Transylvania, Brașov offered a perfect blend of history, charm, and natural beauty. …


Exploring the Transfagarasan: Romania’s Most Spectacular Road

Exploring the Transfagarasan: Romania’s Most Spectacular Road Our trip to Romania’s famous Transfagarasan Road in December was a journey like no other. Instead of the usual clear path, we found a magical, snow-covered road. Winter had transformed the whole place into a scene from a fairy tale. The road, known for its sharp turns and …