Barcelona Nightlife: Best places to go according to locals

Where is the nightlife in Barcelona

Barcelona nightlife is known around the globe, for the spectacular parties and clubs. Whether you’re into electronic music, live bands, salsa dancing, or simply sipping cocktails by the beach, there’s something for everyone. Barcelona is home to some of the world’s most famous nightclubs, such as Pacha Barcelona, Opium Barcelona, and Razzmatazz. These venues host internationally renowned DJs and artists, drawing partygoers from all over the globe.

Spanish culture is known for its late-night lifestyle, and Barcelona is no exception. Locals and tourists alike often start their nights out late, with many bars and clubs staying open well into the early morning hours.

Discover where to find the best nightlife in Barcelona according to your taste.

Best Clubs / Discos in Barcelona

Barcelona’s nightlife scene is elevated by its iconic nightclubs, each offering a distinct experience and attracting partygoers from all corners of the world. Here’s a closer look at some of these renowned venues:

1. Pacha Barcelona

Pacha is a globally recognized nightclub brand with roots in Ibiza. Pacha Barcelona carries on the tradition with its chic and stylish atmosphere. It features top-notch DJs, electronic music, and a glamorous crowd. The venue’s beautiful terrace overlooking the beach adds to its allure.

2. Opium Barcelona

Located right along the beachfront, Opium Barcelona is synonymous with luxury and sophistication. It’s a magnet for electronic dance music enthusiasts and hosts some of the world’s leading DJs. Opium’s stunning interior design and beachside location make it a must-visit destination.

3. Razzmatazz

Razzmatazz is a legendary venue known for its diversity in music genres. It has five different rooms, each dedicated to a specific style of music, such as indie, electronic, and pop. Razzmatazz has a loyal following and has hosted both emerging artists and established acts.

4. Sutton Club

Sutton is a high-end club located in the upscale Eixample district. It’s known for its stylish interior, live performances, and a mix of electronic and commercial music. It attracts a chic and fashionable crowd.

5. Shoko Barcelona

Situated right on the beachfront, Shoko offers a unique combination of nightclub, restaurant, and lounge. It’s famous for its Asian-inspired design and hosts themed parties and DJ events.

pacha barcelona

Famous Nightclubs in Barcelona

NightclubPrimary DemographicEntry Ticket Price (Average)
Pacha BarcelonaStylish and upscale, typically mid-20s to 40s€20 - €30
Opium BarcelonaYouthful and fashionable, mainly 20s to early 30s€20 - €40
RazzmatazzDiverse crowd, various ages depending on the room€15 - €25
Sutton ClubChic and stylish, typically 25 and older€20 - €35
Shoko BarcelonaYoung and trendy, mainly 20s to 30s€20 - €35
CDLC (Carpe Diem Lounge Club)Elegant and diverse, typically 25 and older€20 - €30
Eclipse BarcelonaStylish and upscale, typically mid-20s to 40s€20 - €40
Macarena Club BarcelonaUnderground music enthusiasts, various ages€15 - €20
Catwalk ClubDiverse crowd, various ages depending on the night€15 - €25
R33Electronic music fans, typically 20s to 40s€15 - €30

Best alternative Barcelona Nightlife spots

Apart from the usual clubs there are hotels that throw parties, often on their rooftops. Also the different districts in Barcelona throw a party each year around September. These and other options are great alternatives to the classic clubs that are open all year round.

  • W Hotel rooftop parties: Also known as the Hotel Vela do to its figure resembling sail. On the 26th 6th floor of the W Barcelona hotel. It hosts regular parties and events throughout the year, but the summer season tends to be particularly lively. There are also WET Deck Summer parties in the pool. This is a very fancy hotel and the parties are quite exclusive but sometimes there are free entry passes, mainly in Summer. Get yourself ready, dress to the occasion and go to one of these parties, and you will love it.
  •  Festes Majors (District Parties): these celebrations that take place throughout the year, with many occurring in September. These festivals are deeply rooted in Catalan culture and are a fantastic way to experience the city’s local traditions, music, food, and vibrant atmosphere. 

Barcelona District Parties - General Information

DistrictFestival NameApproximate Dates
GràciaFesta Major de GràciaMid-August to Late August (Overlaps with September)
SantsFesta Major de SantsLate August to Early September
PoblenouFesta Major de PoblenouLate September
Les CortsFesta Major de Les CortsEarly September
Horta-GuinardóFesta Major de Horta-GuinardóLate September
Sant AndreuFesta Major de Sant AndreuLate September
Sant MartíFesta Major de Sant MartíLate September to Early October

In conclusion, experiment other type of parties, as Barcelona offers a great variety of parties. Barcelona nightlife is definitively great for everyone, and there are parties for every state. So enjoy the Barcelona nightlife and comment down below which club or disco is your favorite.

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